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Sales Volume
Updated over 7 months ago

Sales volume

Sales volume - is a metric used by brokerages to track sales. Sales volume is equivalent to sales price but can be divvied out amongst multiple agents on a deal.

How is the sales volume calculated?

The sales volume can be auto-calculated or alternatively entered manually.

The default setting is auto-calculated sales volume where it equals the award allocation percentage amount. For example, if the agent is assigned 50% of the shared gross income he will be automatically be assigned 50% of the sales volume.

How to override the existing sale volume?

If you need to assign a specific amount for the sales volume just select the "entered manually" option and type in the amount relevant for the agent:

Please, keep in mind that when you represent both sides on a deal the sales volume "doubles". The reason for this is that actually, you have two separate transactions in one: one for the listing side and one for the buying side.

Why do I have a double sales volume?

When you represent both sides on a deal the sales volume "doubles". The reason for this is that actually, you have two separate transactions in one: one for the listing side and one for the buying side. This is how the system is supposed to operate. If you do not want the sales volume to "double" you can change it. The way to do it is to go to the appropriate transaction under the Commissions tab, select the required side, and click the Award allocation button.

Set the filter of sales volume to enter manually and adjust it to $0.

All commission information will stay the same; the only thing that will change is the sales volume.

Adjustment of sales volume won't reflect on the information shown on the transaction information page. Sales volume will remain "doubled", but the reports will show the updated sales volume.

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