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Recurring billing FAQ
Updated over 8 months ago

Though you can add a credit card to the BoldTrail BackOffice system any time, we highly recommend adding credit card only when you want to charge an agent. Once an agent has a credit card on file and a recurring bill is set up, that charge will happen automatically

Bill date is a bill start date you set when setting up a charge. You can set any date (past, present, or future) to align with your ledger needs.

What happens when a card is charged by recurring billing?

After a successful charge, BoldTrail BackOffice automatically creates an invoice and a payment, applies the payment to the invoice, and notifies the agent by email.

Please note that recurring billing works only for credit cards. BoldTrail BackOffice does not allow recurring billing charges through bank accounts.

Will I be notified If a recurring billing charge fails?

Yes, we notify both the recurring billing owner and the agent about all the failed charges by email.

If you’re adding a new recurring billing entry and your immediate charge fails, you won’t see a failed charge message.

Does BoldTrail BackOffice try charging again if a charge fails?

No, BoldTrail BackOffice does not retry to charge an agent's credit card in case of a failed charge.

How do I add a recurring billing entry?

Go to Accounting > Agent billing> Recurring Charges. Click Create Charge.

If you already have recurring charges set up, they will be displayed here grouped by the frequency. Each column can be sorted in ascending or descending order.

Can I add a recurring billing entry for an inactive agent?

No, you can’t create a recurring billing entry for an inactive agent.

Can I select a past date for a recurring billing entry?

No, you can’t select a past date for a recurring billing entry. However, when updating a recurring billing entry, you can select a past date if it was the entry’s original start date.

What frequency options do I have for recurring billing?

The recurring billing options are monthly, quarterly, or yearly.

What if the current month has fewer days than the start date?

In this case, BoldTrail BackOffice uses the last month’s day for a recurring charge.
Example: Jan 30 -> Feb 28 -> Mar 30

What is the exact time of a credit card charge?

Depending on what you choose when adding a recurring billing entry, the credit card is charged either by the end of the day or around 7 AM (EST) on the selected date. The credit card is charged by the end of the day If the first charge date is today.

How do I update or delete a recurring billing entry?

To edit or delete a recurring billing entry, go to Accounting > Agent Billing > Recurring charges tab, select the needed recurring billing. You can edit any of the fields or agents associated to the charge. Click Save. To delete the charge, select 'Delete Charge'.

Here’s a short video explaining how to update and delete a recurring billing entry:

Can I update a recurring billing entry for an inactive payer?

No, you can’t update a recurring billing entry for an inactive payer. In this case, the form is read-only and you can see the appropriate message on the form.

Does BoldTrail BackOffice create activity events for recurring billing?

Yes, BoldTrail BackOffice creates activity events when a recurring billing entry is added, updated, or deleted.

  • Learn more about agent billing here.

  • Learn more money collection automation here.

  • Learn more agent ledgers here.

What is the Due date on invoices and bills?

The Due date signifies the date by which the bill must be paid. For example, it allows you to generate an invoice or bill on the current day while specifying a due date at the end of the month. This flexibility enables effective management of payment timelines based on your brokerage needs.

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