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JetClosing Integration
Updated over a month ago

Connect JetClosing and BoldTrail BackOffice to put the power of JetClosing's online transparent closing service with BoldTrail BackOffice cloud-based transaction management services.

Step 1

Set up any level of JetClosing account and BoldTrail BackOffice account;

Step 2

Reach out to your BoldTrail BackOffice Customer Support Specialist requesting your API key.
Please note, in case you have multiple offices in BoldTrail BackOffice setup as sub-accounts you need to obtain an API key for each office. API key has to be for a user that has access to all transactions within a given account (office).

Step 2

At the same time provide your JetClosing GUID to your BoldTrail BackOffice Customer Support Specialist.

Step 3

Once you provide us with your GUID we will establish 3 predefined checklists in your BM account that match the standard JetClosing process. If a custom or additional checklist is needed you would need to speak with your representative at Jet Closing.

  • There should be no due dates or instructions in the tasks.

  • Only the following tasks are going to have a description:

  • When you complete the first task on the checklist, it triggers JetClosing to generate the requested documents. Integration sees ALL completed checklists tasks and filters for the JetClosing specific tasks - or any customized checklists via the API connection.

The whole process flow is Bi-Directional to make it easier as possible for the agents to utilize.
If users have access to change transaction checklists, they may delete tasks that JC needs to upload documents to.

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